Post by Naylani Rei on Jun 20, 2009 18:05:30 GMT -5
Tag: =+Shadows of my Mind+=
Name: Naylani Rei
Race: Human
Age: 26
Guild/Group Affiliations: Daybreak
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Amber (literally like liquid gold)
Skin: Pale
Telepathic Abilities
Mental Sheild-Is the ability to shield one's mind from other psychic attacks, or mind readings. Naylani uses her mental sheild almost constantly. If for some reason she is unable to sheild her mind, she hears people's emotions, which gives her the headaches that cause her to become disoriented and distraught.
Empathy-Empathy is the ability to hear/feel a persons emotions more intensely than a simple gut feeling. If Naylani is feeling out for people's emotions for too long, it tends to give her unsoothable headaches and may actually cause her to panic at one point or another.
Telepathy-Telepathy is the ability to communicate with one's mind. However it is normally one-ended for Naylani as she has never met someone else who is capable of communicating this way.
((the above abilities are mainly just for roleplay purpose, and unless cleared with whomever I am roleplaying with will not be used in a way they are not meant to be used.)
Telekinetic Abilities
Telekinesis 1: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 30 lbs. (This is where I'd like her to start at if possible.)
To be learned at a later date:
Telekinesis 2: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 75 lbs.
Telekinesis 3: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 100 lbs.
Sheild: Able to create a psychic shield around her body to protect herself from physical attacks for a duration of 5 minutes...any longer than that and her mind starts to shatter and she may black out.
Seamstress: Naylani is skilled with needle and thread, be it light leather armor or clothes. She is able to create and or repair this sort of item.
Vivid Nightmares, Insomnia, Headaches
Naylani carries nothing more than a short sword, anything else is too big for her to carry and she cannot use effectively.
Naylani was born to her mother and father 26 years ago. Her mother was a mid-wife, her father a blacksmith. She was her mother's pride and joy, her father had wanted a son however, so he always looked upon her with a small bit of regret. Her childhood was normal for a young girl, save for the fact that her father insisted she learned to protect herself. So she recieved training with all sorts of weaponry that her father made, however as she grew, she favored the short sword, only because it was not too heavy for her to lift. By the age of 10, her father had made her the blade that she carried to present day. The blade was lightweight, thin and curved much like a katana blade would be although it had an intricate handguard made of silver, and the hit was shorter than a man's blade would be. Her own other skills leaned towards creating things with her hands as well. Her mother insisted she had some womanly skills as well, so she took up sewing. Between swordsmanship training, and sewing her life became pretty pre-occupied. So when she hit thirteen, she didn't see what was coming. She was training with her father, and after taking a strike to the head as she hit the ground, things started coming clear...but so did other things, she felt her father's anger...anger that she didn't understand. He was angry his wife never bore him a son, however Naylani still didn't know that. She wouldn't find that out until a few years later...she just knew he was unhappy with her performance.
A few years later, puts Naylani at 18. It was another typical day in her home village. Her mother had gone off to help a woman bear her child, her father was working in his workshop, and Naylani was seated outside the small cabin, humming softly to herself as she focused on blocking out all the thoughts and feelings around her. If she had not been doing that, perhaps she would've sensed the tragedy that was to come. Her village was being attacked by was the sound of steel striking steel that caught her attention and pulled her eyes up from her sewing. She ran towards her father's workshop drawing forth her blade as she ran kicking up dust beneath her booted feet. She warned her father of the incoming savages. The two of them ran to the sound of the fighting...and what Naylani saw...would be imprinted on her memory put her into a shock so great that her sheilds dropped. The hatred...the fear...the pain rushed into her mind, causing her to scream out in pain the wealth of emotions assaulted her mind almost like a blade through the chest. However, the scream had given the savages pause...they turned their attention to her and her father. Her father rushed into the fray...cursing her under his breath and Naylani froze on the spot...watched as the savages ran down her father, and he was lost in a pile of bodies...the spray of blood let Naylani know things were not good. The primal instinct of survival took over, and Naylani abandoned the fight, running as fast as she could...she wanted to shut out the mental images...the screaming, the thoughts...the emotions, but she couldn't focus her sheild at the moment, so she was left screaming in pain as she ran.
She went into hiding...secluding herself in a cave for several years. She couldn't handle her shame...her inability to help her father that fateful day...had lost her her family. But soon enough the village had been retaken...and Naylani shame. Her parents had both died that day, and so the small cabin was now hers alone. The house seemed empty and cold when she returned. One night she found herself in her bed, staring at the ceiling, she was unable to sleep...and she heard the front door to her home creaking open. She drew the blanket up to her chest, controlling her breathing. She wanted her sword...but it was across the room, and if she got out of bed, whoever it was would've heard her. She glanced at her sword leaning against the wall, she willed it to be next to her, and she focused on the footsteps approached her room, the panic in her rising, the sword suddenly FLEW across the room and found her hand. Her shocked expression was priceless...she didn't know how she did it...but at least now she had her blade, and as the man entered her room, she was ready for him, and she dispatched the theif quickly. This was when she was 23. She figured...she was as safe here as she would be anywhere else..and the next day she would leave her home village, to make her way somewhere she wasn't sure...but home wasn't home for her anymore.
Three years later would find her at the present day. She had been traveling, selling her clothing, and repairs to make her way. She would be wandering the woods one day, to find herself VERY lost,, and this would be where her story continues from. Unsure of what she was...and what she was truly capable of...and just outside of the Realm of Tranquility.
Tag: =+Shadows of my Mind+=
Name: Naylani Rei
Race: Human
Age: 26
Guild/Group Affiliations: Daybreak
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 120 lbs.
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Amber (literally like liquid gold)
Skin: Pale
Telepathic Abilities
Mental Sheild-Is the ability to shield one's mind from other psychic attacks, or mind readings. Naylani uses her mental sheild almost constantly. If for some reason she is unable to sheild her mind, she hears people's emotions, which gives her the headaches that cause her to become disoriented and distraught.
Empathy-Empathy is the ability to hear/feel a persons emotions more intensely than a simple gut feeling. If Naylani is feeling out for people's emotions for too long, it tends to give her unsoothable headaches and may actually cause her to panic at one point or another.
Telepathy-Telepathy is the ability to communicate with one's mind. However it is normally one-ended for Naylani as she has never met someone else who is capable of communicating this way.
((the above abilities are mainly just for roleplay purpose, and unless cleared with whomever I am roleplaying with will not be used in a way they are not meant to be used.)
Telekinetic Abilities
Telekinesis 1: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 30 lbs. (This is where I'd like her to start at if possible.)
To be learned at a later date:
Telekinesis 2: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 75 lbs.
Telekinesis 3: Naylani can lift an item with her mind, with a weight of up to 100 lbs.
Sheild: Able to create a psychic shield around her body to protect herself from physical attacks for a duration of 5 minutes...any longer than that and her mind starts to shatter and she may black out.
Seamstress: Naylani is skilled with needle and thread, be it light leather armor or clothes. She is able to create and or repair this sort of item.
Vivid Nightmares, Insomnia, Headaches
Naylani carries nothing more than a short sword, anything else is too big for her to carry and she cannot use effectively.
Naylani was born to her mother and father 26 years ago. Her mother was a mid-wife, her father a blacksmith. She was her mother's pride and joy, her father had wanted a son however, so he always looked upon her with a small bit of regret. Her childhood was normal for a young girl, save for the fact that her father insisted she learned to protect herself. So she recieved training with all sorts of weaponry that her father made, however as she grew, she favored the short sword, only because it was not too heavy for her to lift. By the age of 10, her father had made her the blade that she carried to present day. The blade was lightweight, thin and curved much like a katana blade would be although it had an intricate handguard made of silver, and the hit was shorter than a man's blade would be. Her own other skills leaned towards creating things with her hands as well. Her mother insisted she had some womanly skills as well, so she took up sewing. Between swordsmanship training, and sewing her life became pretty pre-occupied. So when she hit thirteen, she didn't see what was coming. She was training with her father, and after taking a strike to the head as she hit the ground, things started coming clear...but so did other things, she felt her father's anger...anger that she didn't understand. He was angry his wife never bore him a son, however Naylani still didn't know that. She wouldn't find that out until a few years later...she just knew he was unhappy with her performance.
A few years later, puts Naylani at 18. It was another typical day in her home village. Her mother had gone off to help a woman bear her child, her father was working in his workshop, and Naylani was seated outside the small cabin, humming softly to herself as she focused on blocking out all the thoughts and feelings around her. If she had not been doing that, perhaps she would've sensed the tragedy that was to come. Her village was being attacked by was the sound of steel striking steel that caught her attention and pulled her eyes up from her sewing. She ran towards her father's workshop drawing forth her blade as she ran kicking up dust beneath her booted feet. She warned her father of the incoming savages. The two of them ran to the sound of the fighting...and what Naylani saw...would be imprinted on her memory put her into a shock so great that her sheilds dropped. The hatred...the fear...the pain rushed into her mind, causing her to scream out in pain the wealth of emotions assaulted her mind almost like a blade through the chest. However, the scream had given the savages pause...they turned their attention to her and her father. Her father rushed into the fray...cursing her under his breath and Naylani froze on the spot...watched as the savages ran down her father, and he was lost in a pile of bodies...the spray of blood let Naylani know things were not good. The primal instinct of survival took over, and Naylani abandoned the fight, running as fast as she could...she wanted to shut out the mental images...the screaming, the thoughts...the emotions, but she couldn't focus her sheild at the moment, so she was left screaming in pain as she ran.
She went into hiding...secluding herself in a cave for several years. She couldn't handle her shame...her inability to help her father that fateful day...had lost her her family. But soon enough the village had been retaken...and Naylani shame. Her parents had both died that day, and so the small cabin was now hers alone. The house seemed empty and cold when she returned. One night she found herself in her bed, staring at the ceiling, she was unable to sleep...and she heard the front door to her home creaking open. She drew the blanket up to her chest, controlling her breathing. She wanted her sword...but it was across the room, and if she got out of bed, whoever it was would've heard her. She glanced at her sword leaning against the wall, she willed it to be next to her, and she focused on the footsteps approached her room, the panic in her rising, the sword suddenly FLEW across the room and found her hand. Her shocked expression was priceless...she didn't know how she did it...but at least now she had her blade, and as the man entered her room, she was ready for him, and she dispatched the theif quickly. This was when she was 23. She figured...she was as safe here as she would be anywhere else..and the next day she would leave her home village, to make her way somewhere she wasn't sure...but home wasn't home for her anymore.
Three years later would find her at the present day. She had been traveling, selling her clothing, and repairs to make her way. She would be wandering the woods one day, to find herself VERY lost,, and this would be where her story continues from. Unsure of what she was...and what she was truly capable of...and just outside of the Realm of Tranquility.