Post by Hajia Portier on Aug 31, 2009 16:08:57 GMT -5
Lady Carina- Solo ((inside her room at the inn with NO windows, but during daylight hours.))
== 5 Tranquility Square ==
- "The Lucky Cat Inn" -
This two story building holds a common room, kitchen, and bath room. Each 20 rooms include a cot, desk with lantern and a small mirror mounted above the desk. 10 of the 20 rooms available do NOT have windows to accomodate ALL guests
Lady Carina says to ALL:.... She had heeded the MoTC's adivce, but wondered about her frequently in the few un-eventful days she had spent within this realm. The days seemed to grow shorter with each passin' of the sun. She nay felt the time changing, she just knew from her life. The MoTC was a vampire. A master Vampire and usually two master's did not choose to reside within' the same boundaries. They aquired their own. She had wanted to attempt to do this, since her blood line was long since lost. Frownin' at the thought she fought the urge to call for them. To send herself out through the world and portals, beckonin' them.
She stepped from her bed, where she had been sitting with one leg over the other and she rose to the mirror she had placed within' her room. It was magical, and with the barrier it would only show her ghostly reflection. Yes, reflection. She was in control of her substance and could with stain the fractures of light and neglect of the shadows to be seen by herself. Others perhaps, would only see a shadow. For their sight was a flat plane and revealed very little about what lies beneath.
Turnin' from it she paced to the bookcase she herself had built. Her fingers gingerly moved over the tattered binds that kept her familys words, vows, traditions alive. She was the last. Unless, she could somehow meet someone, or find one she had changed.
Sighing against her body's needs she turned and paced back tot he bed. She had a few hours yet, so perhaps she could just stay here and entertain herself with implorements of times that had already come to pass, and people she had long said her goodbyes too. Moving to the door she slid extra lock the room came with into place, then turned back to the shelf and pulled out a book, skimming over the pages it came to rest on Mossilitto himself. She gazed at his elegance. His grace. Lifting her chin a hair, she thought cooly. If people of her kind were all of the same and no one was such a monster. She rolled her orbs hellbound. Ello Satan, good afternoon t o ya! Her sarcsim bubbled up with a chuckle as she looked beyond the book to a spot on the floor that just seemed to call to her. Moving to it she lowered herself and crossed her legs indian style.
She motioned the book and it fell to the floor and slid towards her. The page still open, she parked it infront of her legs and straightened her back. How about, a trip...?
Her eyes snapped shut, and her head pumped with enthusiasm as her mind repeated over and over. Look and you will find...look and you will find... Come, let me see where I began, come let me see where I began. Her mind lead the way. Lights flying by her, Details were blurry, as she started to spin. An out of the body experience. A ....time travel?
The setting was 1265. A young girl danced at the ball of the Baron. He had just married his last daughter and was celebrating on circumstance. The room was lined with high white pilars draped with white lillys and pink roes danced along their long petals. There was a long table with chairs behind it, his sat in the middle, his wife to his left and to his right, was his new son in law. The floor was glossy and made of marble. Kissed with accents of stone for emphasis on structure. The middle of the cieling beared the weight of a dazzling silver chandalier, it draped down into about a hundred offsets. Each one made of pure crystal. Accented in diamonds and silver inlay.
The room was crowded with nobles, and friends of the Baron. A political relaxation of sorts. People were dressed in poofed up jackets, skin tight pants, some wore suits, some where changing with the t imes and wore vests, with button downs underneath, everyone was color coordinated with their date. Then, lookin' into a mirrior she can see herself.
Long Onyx locks, trembled down over her curvy yet plump figure. She wasn't like the skinny ones, she was her own beauty. Most men lusted for her, only because they weren't scared of breakin' her in half. Her golden orbs danced about the scene.
As the room comes to life, the sound takes to Carina's ears. The music from the live musicians, beckonin' her to dance their seranade. The perception changes views, and through the eyes of the young woman. The room is intoxicating. The gentllemen are at their best dressed. The women took hours to ready themselves, It was the event to loathe.Everyone who was anyone was here, She found herself her upon a special invitation from the recent grooms family. They had only been alotted five, and she had recieved it. She felt like a child in a candy store. She was, after all, unescorted. She watched as they paraded around in the waltz. Females fanned themselves and giggled mercifully with their mates.Joy screamed from the scene.
A gentleman approached, then decided against it. She frowned with emmense dislike for those who wouldn't come near and unescorted lady, at her grimace. The groom hushed the music, and gathered the attention of the whole room.
With the silence everyone looked to him as he spoke.
"Everyone, who has come to celebrate the Barons success in finding peace at hands, I thank thee. I sincerly hope everyone is having a grand time exploring the treats our wonderful line of cooks and servants have prepared for us. I would at this time like to introduce the new Lady at large....Lady Carina Mossilitto, daughter of the Past Baron Mossilitto. He was a great man. She has not had many oppertunities to venture out and greet, so please make yourselves accquainted. Let her know she is welcome within' these lands. She truly is a remarkable woman. Comin' to the aid of her father's passing, and assisting in runnin' the Tante Manor...Welcome Carina, dance with the wind, and eat with the finest!"
At his words, her cheeks came to life with a sanguine color of their own. Her lashes fluttered down, as the room took her in, he gestured to her and then bowed. The room soon following suit. She was the new noble within. She was their new item of pursuit. Her dowry, still resided within' her estates. Her father saw to it that everything would be taken care of upon his departure of this world.
Lifting her hand to her waist, then letting it drop to her skirts. She dipped down into a bow herself, everyone knew that she wasn't a curtsier, she had earned the right not to. She was a woman of means. A brillant woman. Talented. Skillful, and upon everything. She knew everything she had to know in order to exist without the touch of a man, or the lead of one. Shakin' her head from the daze she smiled as another gentleman approached her and asked for the dance that struck up. It was another definitive of the waltz, but faster. The tempo made her giddy, and her feet took to the floor with a grace not too many women accquired. Twirling around her partner. As his smooth tounge and come hither look. His hair was dark black. His eyes a deep gold. His skin was fair. Too fair in her own opinion, but twirling about. She felt like he was leading her to float in the air. Her eyebrows held no hostility, until she realized he had danced her out of the open grand doors and into the terrace, around the tall shrubbery, and near the rose bushes.
Her breath escaped her at his, advance. She glared at him and then straightened her shoulders. Her body was taunt. Ready to defend herself if needed. Ready to scream, but before she could muster the need, the reaction had caused the man into motion, he slipped infront of her then behind her in what seemed like no time at all. She fought with the fear of what he was, as realty struck her. He was a vampire! He was a dark one! Blast!...He stripped her of her finery, and shoved her onto her rump. Seating her on the bench. Lookin' over his shoulder and then to her.
"Carina, you must be warned. There is someone else. Comin' for you someone who knows you know what happened to your father. And you're closing in. They're uncomfortable with it, they will remove you."
His words fell on deaf ears. She glared at him, and turned from him. Pushing herself to her feet and bolting. She found herself back into the ball room without a glance back. Her heart was pounding, her father had been a vampire and kept it for years. He had been killed without mercy, his ailness was a slow one. Someone had given him silver poisioning in small doses. Until it irraticated him from this world. He hadn't changed her, nay. But she was in fear someone new would. Somone else was coming for kill her. She had a decision to make. She could find the man that jusrt kidnapped her for mere moments. Or she could ignore it and end her life within' a cruel fate...Shhe bit her lip, paid her respects and called for her carriage. Grabbin her shawl, and makin' way until she rested inside of her carriage. She let out a breath. And leaned back her eyes closed.
The gentleman she had seen only moments before, warning her. Seated himself acrossed from her and sat for a time before speaking again.
"...You nay, have a choice in this...It's change, or die...your desicion.."
She fought the tears that stung, but she knew her father wouldn't want her to go out of this world like that. He had wanted her to make the desicion herself. Of takin' the gift, or leaving it. She stared at the man who had just....appeared....infront of her, leaning up she shrugged her shoulders visibly and then leaned back....only a second before the scene went black.
Comin' back to the present, she shuddered remembering how scared she had been. She had pushed the choice until the last second. She had made no move, and given her guardian vamp no other choice. His vow to his lord, was just that....and it was not taken lightly he had one purpose and one purpose alone. He was made from Mossilitto himself....and through the years to come she would learn more and more secrets....more and more tale, she hadn't made anything easy for anyone. Her father expected that..
== 5 Tranquility Square ==
- "The Lucky Cat Inn" -
This two story building holds a common room, kitchen, and bath room. Each 20 rooms include a cot, desk with lantern and a small mirror mounted above the desk. 10 of the 20 rooms available do NOT have windows to accomodate ALL guests
Lady Carina says to ALL:.... She had heeded the MoTC's adivce, but wondered about her frequently in the few un-eventful days she had spent within this realm. The days seemed to grow shorter with each passin' of the sun. She nay felt the time changing, she just knew from her life. The MoTC was a vampire. A master Vampire and usually two master's did not choose to reside within' the same boundaries. They aquired their own. She had wanted to attempt to do this, since her blood line was long since lost. Frownin' at the thought she fought the urge to call for them. To send herself out through the world and portals, beckonin' them.
She stepped from her bed, where she had been sitting with one leg over the other and she rose to the mirror she had placed within' her room. It was magical, and with the barrier it would only show her ghostly reflection. Yes, reflection. She was in control of her substance and could with stain the fractures of light and neglect of the shadows to be seen by herself. Others perhaps, would only see a shadow. For their sight was a flat plane and revealed very little about what lies beneath.
Turnin' from it she paced to the bookcase she herself had built. Her fingers gingerly moved over the tattered binds that kept her familys words, vows, traditions alive. She was the last. Unless, she could somehow meet someone, or find one she had changed.
Sighing against her body's needs she turned and paced back tot he bed. She had a few hours yet, so perhaps she could just stay here and entertain herself with implorements of times that had already come to pass, and people she had long said her goodbyes too. Moving to the door she slid extra lock the room came with into place, then turned back to the shelf and pulled out a book, skimming over the pages it came to rest on Mossilitto himself. She gazed at his elegance. His grace. Lifting her chin a hair, she thought cooly. If people of her kind were all of the same and no one was such a monster. She rolled her orbs hellbound. Ello Satan, good afternoon t o ya! Her sarcsim bubbled up with a chuckle as she looked beyond the book to a spot on the floor that just seemed to call to her. Moving to it she lowered herself and crossed her legs indian style.
She motioned the book and it fell to the floor and slid towards her. The page still open, she parked it infront of her legs and straightened her back. How about, a trip...?
Her eyes snapped shut, and her head pumped with enthusiasm as her mind repeated over and over. Look and you will find...look and you will find... Come, let me see where I began, come let me see where I began. Her mind lead the way. Lights flying by her, Details were blurry, as she started to spin. An out of the body experience. A ....time travel?
The setting was 1265. A young girl danced at the ball of the Baron. He had just married his last daughter and was celebrating on circumstance. The room was lined with high white pilars draped with white lillys and pink roes danced along their long petals. There was a long table with chairs behind it, his sat in the middle, his wife to his left and to his right, was his new son in law. The floor was glossy and made of marble. Kissed with accents of stone for emphasis on structure. The middle of the cieling beared the weight of a dazzling silver chandalier, it draped down into about a hundred offsets. Each one made of pure crystal. Accented in diamonds and silver inlay.
The room was crowded with nobles, and friends of the Baron. A political relaxation of sorts. People were dressed in poofed up jackets, skin tight pants, some wore suits, some where changing with the t imes and wore vests, with button downs underneath, everyone was color coordinated with their date. Then, lookin' into a mirrior she can see herself.
Long Onyx locks, trembled down over her curvy yet plump figure. She wasn't like the skinny ones, she was her own beauty. Most men lusted for her, only because they weren't scared of breakin' her in half. Her golden orbs danced about the scene.
As the room comes to life, the sound takes to Carina's ears. The music from the live musicians, beckonin' her to dance their seranade. The perception changes views, and through the eyes of the young woman. The room is intoxicating. The gentllemen are at their best dressed. The women took hours to ready themselves, It was the event to loathe.Everyone who was anyone was here, She found herself her upon a special invitation from the recent grooms family. They had only been alotted five, and she had recieved it. She felt like a child in a candy store. She was, after all, unescorted. She watched as they paraded around in the waltz. Females fanned themselves and giggled mercifully with their mates.Joy screamed from the scene.
A gentleman approached, then decided against it. She frowned with emmense dislike for those who wouldn't come near and unescorted lady, at her grimace. The groom hushed the music, and gathered the attention of the whole room.
With the silence everyone looked to him as he spoke.
"Everyone, who has come to celebrate the Barons success in finding peace at hands, I thank thee. I sincerly hope everyone is having a grand time exploring the treats our wonderful line of cooks and servants have prepared for us. I would at this time like to introduce the new Lady at large....Lady Carina Mossilitto, daughter of the Past Baron Mossilitto. He was a great man. She has not had many oppertunities to venture out and greet, so please make yourselves accquainted. Let her know she is welcome within' these lands. She truly is a remarkable woman. Comin' to the aid of her father's passing, and assisting in runnin' the Tante Manor...Welcome Carina, dance with the wind, and eat with the finest!"
At his words, her cheeks came to life with a sanguine color of their own. Her lashes fluttered down, as the room took her in, he gestured to her and then bowed. The room soon following suit. She was the new noble within. She was their new item of pursuit. Her dowry, still resided within' her estates. Her father saw to it that everything would be taken care of upon his departure of this world.
Lifting her hand to her waist, then letting it drop to her skirts. She dipped down into a bow herself, everyone knew that she wasn't a curtsier, she had earned the right not to. She was a woman of means. A brillant woman. Talented. Skillful, and upon everything. She knew everything she had to know in order to exist without the touch of a man, or the lead of one. Shakin' her head from the daze she smiled as another gentleman approached her and asked for the dance that struck up. It was another definitive of the waltz, but faster. The tempo made her giddy, and her feet took to the floor with a grace not too many women accquired. Twirling around her partner. As his smooth tounge and come hither look. His hair was dark black. His eyes a deep gold. His skin was fair. Too fair in her own opinion, but twirling about. She felt like he was leading her to float in the air. Her eyebrows held no hostility, until she realized he had danced her out of the open grand doors and into the terrace, around the tall shrubbery, and near the rose bushes.
Her breath escaped her at his, advance. She glared at him and then straightened her shoulders. Her body was taunt. Ready to defend herself if needed. Ready to scream, but before she could muster the need, the reaction had caused the man into motion, he slipped infront of her then behind her in what seemed like no time at all. She fought with the fear of what he was, as realty struck her. He was a vampire! He was a dark one! Blast!...He stripped her of her finery, and shoved her onto her rump. Seating her on the bench. Lookin' over his shoulder and then to her.
"Carina, you must be warned. There is someone else. Comin' for you someone who knows you know what happened to your father. And you're closing in. They're uncomfortable with it, they will remove you."
His words fell on deaf ears. She glared at him, and turned from him. Pushing herself to her feet and bolting. She found herself back into the ball room without a glance back. Her heart was pounding, her father had been a vampire and kept it for years. He had been killed without mercy, his ailness was a slow one. Someone had given him silver poisioning in small doses. Until it irraticated him from this world. He hadn't changed her, nay. But she was in fear someone new would. Somone else was coming for kill her. She had a decision to make. She could find the man that jusrt kidnapped her for mere moments. Or she could ignore it and end her life within' a cruel fate...Shhe bit her lip, paid her respects and called for her carriage. Grabbin her shawl, and makin' way until she rested inside of her carriage. She let out a breath. And leaned back her eyes closed.
The gentleman she had seen only moments before, warning her. Seated himself acrossed from her and sat for a time before speaking again.
"...You nay, have a choice in this...It's change, or die...your desicion.."
She fought the tears that stung, but she knew her father wouldn't want her to go out of this world like that. He had wanted her to make the desicion herself. Of takin' the gift, or leaving it. She stared at the man who had just....appeared....infront of her, leaning up she shrugged her shoulders visibly and then leaned back....only a second before the scene went black.
Comin' back to the present, she shuddered remembering how scared she had been. She had pushed the choice until the last second. She had made no move, and given her guardian vamp no other choice. His vow to his lord, was just that....and it was not taken lightly he had one purpose and one purpose alone. He was made from Mossilitto himself....and through the years to come she would learn more and more secrets....more and more tale, she hadn't made anything easy for anyone. Her father expected that..