Post by ::tartarsauce:: on Jun 18, 2009 14:44:45 GMT -5
James Merrick
Phoebe Blythe
Tathar Seregon
Hajia Portier
A Simple Servant
Location: Tranquility Grounds
Time: 11am
They had finally manged to move the wagons across the border. Two days of rain, and cold, had taken its toll on everyone, mostly his temper, some of which had been smoothed this morning.
The border crossing itself wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. There was definitely a suppression to his being. He didn't think he would be able to shadow port at all. He did however think he would be able to dream as that was keenly apart of who he was, and needed for survival.
This entire trades mission, not his idea. However for the sake of making Aeren a better, stronger place he had agreed to it, and the wagons no less. With the rest of the people, their son and his nanny all waiting on the other side of the border, he and Blythe took two horses and headed toward the Palace. He couldn't help the thinking this was something he could easily use for a dreamscape. Sort of eery not seeing any barns or live stock. Just random houses, they did however seem to have trees. Perhaps their trade would come in way of fruit? It remained to be seen. ::
-Her palfrey mare cantered alongside his courser, and she grinned up at him, winking like a young coquette, not an old married girl of thirty three. This was, in her mind, actually a little bit fun. It was like an escape, having spent the last week surrounded by everyone and their brother in small wagons and carriages and smaller tents, the relative privacy of a quiet ride with her spouse was lovely. She spurred the mare on, lengthening the stride as they crested a hill, and looked to the village and palace through the trees. Nearly there, and she was anxious to see what was what. It was Adara's request that they see this certain Queen, and so they would.-
-Down the hill, and over a bridge, the woodland thick an verdant, she finally slowed to a more lady-like walk, patting the heated mount with a slim, gloved hand. Dressed in a grey riding dress, belted and trimmed with ornate grey and burgundy ribbon, and slashed sleeves showing an under-fabric of burgundy silk, she looked the part of a Lady. A little under-dressed to meet royalty, perhaps, but she was not here to put on airs.-
::They weren't in a hurry. They had been gone almost a week now, and a few more hours were not going to make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Besides the ride was a nice change to have a little alone time for themselves.
Lucky his glamor seemed to work. It would have made riding through the village much difficult. As it was people were coming out and lining the streets to see them. He moved his mount closer to Blythes, and leaved over.::Kinda freaking me out. Its like they havent seen stangers ever before.
-She gave a small snort of laughter, which ruined the lady like image completely. He was watching the populace with a bit of concern on his handsome face, and that alone was precious. It seemed all in all, very peaceful here, sort of sleepy, perhaps..she had been told they did not get many visitors, but she patted his hand reassuringly. He had not spent a ton of time with humans until the last year. At least, not awake humans. And they sort of freaked him out still.-
If I were a maiden in some remote village, and someone as handsome as you rode through, I'd come out of my hut and sigh wistfully at you, too. It's only human nature to stare at something so attractive. So the only one to blame here is you.
-She gave a cheeky wink and a giggle, knowing full well he would growl or snarl and threaten to spank her for her insolence. As Duke, and as his Duchess, he outranked her, that was simply the way of things. However, she never let that stand in the way of a good bit of teasing.-.....After all, -You- are likely the only[/u]Oh gods, she wasn't sure she could get it out..she was laughing already..- The only one here...with a street are famous..[/color][/b] [/u]
The heat of the forge was washing the surrounding area of the square with wave after wave of heat, his foot pumping the bellows to fan the flames in a dangerous fashion, the events of the night prior still fresh in his mind...He would show her...He would make her understand, by force if it was necessary...And the way things were going, he would very likely need to resort to extremes. She had dared to have him removed from the very home that he had not but a week before paid his rent for the full month...She dared disreguard his words and actions and twist them perversely to keep their true meaning hidden from her eyes and ears. He was melting the remaining silver left in the crate she had provided for the forging of her own weapon...It was quite enough for his own needs right now, and maybe a little moreso...But he would put it to good use...If she was to have a weapon that could cause him such pain, and right now with the mood she was in she was likely to try and use it, then he would have the very same. As the silver was being reduced to its more liquid form he took up his sword...That family heirloom that had fought countless battles...The rather large but strong and ancient blade glinting in the light of the flames as he pushed it into the coals. He was not making an entirely new weapon...No, he was improving upon his own....And he prayed that Mother Luna would forgive him for cursing it with such a substance as he was about to do.
=He growled low and gave her a dark look at her statement. The fact that she had gone and named that damned street after him anyways, was still a sore spot between them. He gave her a look that said she was asking to another spanking. The only problem was it was likely that was exactly what she was looking for.
Snorting softly he ignored the stares an instead paid attention to where they were going, and thought about just how this was likely to go. He was getting a bad feeling about this. And was going to be supremely annoyed if they came all this way for nothing.=
Her eyes drifted to the trail, a sound she had not heard for a while befell her ears. Raising an eyebrow she watched against the distance from whence she could see. She shifted to the side, leaning against a small Street sign she continued to watch the people that drew near. Clasping her hands together she squared her shoulders and put on the most polite of smiles.
Seeing them approach she noted their outfits, sucking in a small breath, she never did well with Royalty. biting the corner of her mouth she looked over her shoulder to the square. Where was Tathar?! That damned fool..
-Score one for the Duchess, she was not above gloating a tiny bit, for even though she adored her husband, they were both fiercely competitive. And she had been vying for the advantage since she was a five year old child in the far icy tundra of home. Her old home, anyways. It certainly was not that now..-
-She sat up with the posture of a born rider, the sidesaddle made for her, and embellished on the sides and silver stirrups, with the crest of the axe in hand, and the owl. Her coat of arms, and his, joined[b].-Now Bjornskriker, no need to look put know...Bjornskriker..that would make a nice street name as well...[/b][/u]
-Pondering that, she glanced around, smiling brightly to a few members of the populace. Not far to the castle, and from there, the meeting....she caught a swift look from a dark haired lass, and waved a bit.-[/color]
::He grunted as her laughter rang clearly over the quiet little village. Sharp mind, sharp wit, and sharper tongue. He couldn't even be mad, it was one of the things he adored about her best.::See now, Bjornskriker, I could live with. Its a strong name. Means something. Duke of Aeren street, its not a name, its thing, a title. Its.. its... Bah.. ::He growled darkly at her as she only laughed harder. His mount feeling his tension danced side ways a little, and e had to loosen his grip on the reigns, speak to it in that soothing tone that was usually reserved to lulling humans into trusting him. It worked much the same for horses. The black beast, that he had named Devil, simply because of its attitude snorted much as he might when annoyed, stamped his feet, and then settled under him.
He looked up to the woman his wife waved to. His eyes a deep sapphire blue as he gave stared at her intently. Looking human, and being human were two very different things.::
She nodded to the miss, her orbs overlooking her and the one she traveled with. A pleasant smile displayed on her lips. Visiting nobles. Interesting. Her mind swarmed over what they could be bringing. She dipped her head again to the left against the glare of the sun and focus a little. What were they wishin'? Were they here to see the Queen. chewing her lip lightly she turned from them for a moment to look down the trail. Then back to them. Her hair trickled down in spirals over her shoulders and back. Her voice was strong but warm.
" Welcome to Tranquility, is there anything I may help you with? "
She quickly wiped her hands on a rag that she dutifully carried about with her, the dust of this mornings chores not completely disappearing, but diminishing enough to suit the task. Then quickly, she hurried through the castle towards the front door, the word that visitors were even now heading onward. She doubted they'd make it to the castle quickly but it was always better safe then sorry. certainly does mean something. And it was the strongest name I, at age five could think of..[/u]
-She smiled softly then, lost in a memory that must have pleased her, to judge by her wistful little sigh..she snapped out of it as Devil..she had wanted to name the horse Brick, in celebration of it's level of hard-headedness....decided to be a bit of a hassle. James however, had no issue with horses. Or dogs, or cats, or birds, or just about anything with a brain. He talked, they listened, he coaxed, they did what he desired. He had a -way- about him. She was no less affected than Devil was..and it was with reluctance that she tore her gaze from the Duke, and looked to the lass speaking to them. She smiled softly, and answered her, in the Nordic accent of her youth.-
Good morrow lass..we come on errand from the Duchy of Aeren, upon the request of her Imperial Majesty, the Lady Adara McCloud, as ambassadors to your Queen and lands. Might you direct us to yon palace?[/color][/b][/u]
She nodded listening to the woman. Her lips spread into a further smile ... God how she hated to pretend being human. But nonetheless, she knew the laws. Leaning to the right foot for support she gestured through the square to where one could see the Castles' Entrance.
" That way mi'lady, through the village and to where the might Castle stands."
Lifting her hands from their clasped position she spread them wide.
" Feel free to browse our fine village..We are glad to see you have come. "
The silver quite molten enough for his needs he removed the stone bowl from the flames with a pair of large tongs, carefully pouring its contents into the much thinner mold than he had used for Pandora's own piece. It did not need to be very wide...but it had to be long, and this particular mold was used to make long and thin rapiers. Of course, he would have to make the metal a little longer, but it would suffice nicely. As he set this aside to cool he turned his attention to the rather old weapon in the coals still, eyes running over it's length, as well as the familiar and primitive runes that spoke his family's history along it's body, running parallel with the crude blood groove just near the spine. Mayhap what he was doing was excessive, and it was a travesty to taint such a weapon in such a manner, but emotions werre strong things, especially for his kind, and at times they could drive one to measures that were otherwise unthought of, and occasionally, even drive some to madness. He feared that he was treading the very thin line between the two...but it was far too late now to turn back. He had crossed the threshold of no return as soon as he'd set the silver to heat.
::He had a little smirk on his lips. As was the usual way he let Blythe do the talking. She was by far the more diplomatic of the two of them. He much preferred to listen, to watch. And in this case to feel. The woman was not human. A slight cast of his mind toward her told him that. She may, depending on just what her race was feel it. He was to far away to catch a scent. The mind itself nothing familiar. Not Elven, not Fae thank gods for that. He didn't say a word, barely even gave the courtesy of a nod. Let her think it was royal snobbery. He really didn't care. This place was making the hairs on his neck rise.
He gave Blythe a motion with his chin. They should be moving. He had no desire to spend the night here. That and they had Robbie to think of.=
-He was right, they were not on the most forgiving of time-tables here. Breastfeeding infants did not take kindly to being asked to wait for their rations, royal or peasant, a baby knew hunger, and it knew mother as the solution to it. She had about three hours, as best she could figure.-Thank you miss, for the welcome. Merry day to you[/b]..-And nodding with a regal little incline of her head, the wife of the Duke, bid the lass farewell, the two nobles heading for the castle gates. An envoy had been sent the week prior , so they were expected. She only hoped they would be prepared and awaiting them in the castle.- [/color]
He capped the mold and hefted it with the tongs, moving it to the barrel of water that he kept near the anvil at the wall. This he submerged, listening to the loud and shrill hiss that issued forth, steam erupting from it as the metal within was forced to cool much more quickly than letting it sit in the open air would allow. He turned his attention once more to the sword in the coals, watching as the blade began to take a reddening along it's length. He did hope that it would meld well enough with the silver, planning on capping the edge with the stuff and making it into a weapon capable of causing both vampires as well as his own kin agonizing pain and damage that was slow to heal, and the thought made him raise his hand to his chest, touching the spot of his shirt that concealed the thin scar that Pandora had left there. His gaze snapped to the side, then, and out of the open windows that allowed air circulation to take place so that the shop would not reach dangerous temperatures, watching as a few of the villagers were looking and pointing, overhearing something about visitors to the realm on horseback. He began to wonder what their visit was about, but could not, as of yet, pull himself away from his work.
As the visitors approached toward the castle one of the guards was alerted to the gathering and staring of the villagers, stepping from his post and foreward to see what the disturbance was all about, only to be greeted by the sight of two people, a man and a woman, riding on horseback and steadily approaching toward him. He would step foreward a few more paces and wait until they were close enough before raising a hand to them, speaking loudly "Hello, and welcome to the realm of Tranquility. May I ask that you state your business?"
::Now just because he expected to be stopped, didn't mean he had to like it. It was just something that went against his grain. A man long used to getting what he wanted, denied very little. His face was a mask of calm. Blue eyes slightly narrowed and looking down at the guard.:: Our Business is with Your Queen. you may tell her the Duke and Duchess of Aeren are here, as per the envoy we sent last week. =Making himself relax, he settled back in his saddle, the leather creaking as he stared at the guard waiting for him to step aside.::
-She settled back in the side saddle, letting her Duke handle the guards. Her eyes, golden as dark honey, gazed up over the small palace, looking for hints to it's most important inhabitant. She glanced back to the guard, smiling faintly in a not unfriendly way, but she was certainly not here for small talk. They had sent an envoy, they were expected, now, to see how smoothly it was handled would offer a slew of information about this small place.-
He removed the mold from the water, finding it quite cool enough now, and flipped the cap off of it, turning it over to release the long silver bar onto the surface of the anvil. Setting the rest of the things aside he picked up his hammer and tongs, gripping the end of the bar with them before starting his long and echoing strikes to flatten it out, sweat dripping from his brow as he did so. Hammer, flip, hammer, turn...He would repeat this process over and over until he was satisfied with the length and thickness of the silver sheet, his attention now away from the windows as well as the goings on outside and fully on his work at hand.
The guard looked them both over for a moment. He remembered the rather loud and strange man who had come to call upon the Queen the week prior, and to be honest it was a spectacle that he would not soon forget. He had honestly thought the man to be a jester of some sort, for the way he talked, as well as the way he had acted, was quite comical, but his words however humorous were of business, so he had no choice but to believe them and stepped aside, waving them on toward the castle, calling to them as they passed "I am afraid that the Queen is in a meeting at the moment. A servant will show you where to stow your horses as well as where you may wait until she is available. Please, enjoy your stay." He decided not to ask for their weapons, as since they were envoys from another realm and kingdom they were to be showed that much trust and respect, but they would nevertheless be watched closely, just in case.
::He did his best not to growl. It wasn't the guards fault that the woman, Queen he corrected was in a meeting. He had made a promise to 'attempt' to he polite. He would keep it. The rain had delayed there expected arrival date by nearly two days, but that was hardly the point. He wanted this done and over with.
He nodded as the guard stepped aside and a servant waved them on. He supposed they were to follow. Little choice did they have. He gave Blythe a look, one that didn't need words. 'Im getting cranky..and this had better not take long'.
Phoebe Blythe
Tathar Seregon
Hajia Portier
A Simple Servant
Location: Tranquility Grounds
Time: 11am
They had finally manged to move the wagons across the border. Two days of rain, and cold, had taken its toll on everyone, mostly his temper, some of which had been smoothed this morning.
The border crossing itself wasn't as bad as he thought it would be. There was definitely a suppression to his being. He didn't think he would be able to shadow port at all. He did however think he would be able to dream as that was keenly apart of who he was, and needed for survival.
This entire trades mission, not his idea. However for the sake of making Aeren a better, stronger place he had agreed to it, and the wagons no less. With the rest of the people, their son and his nanny all waiting on the other side of the border, he and Blythe took two horses and headed toward the Palace. He couldn't help the thinking this was something he could easily use for a dreamscape. Sort of eery not seeing any barns or live stock. Just random houses, they did however seem to have trees. Perhaps their trade would come in way of fruit? It remained to be seen. ::
-Her palfrey mare cantered alongside his courser, and she grinned up at him, winking like a young coquette, not an old married girl of thirty three. This was, in her mind, actually a little bit fun. It was like an escape, having spent the last week surrounded by everyone and their brother in small wagons and carriages and smaller tents, the relative privacy of a quiet ride with her spouse was lovely. She spurred the mare on, lengthening the stride as they crested a hill, and looked to the village and palace through the trees. Nearly there, and she was anxious to see what was what. It was Adara's request that they see this certain Queen, and so they would.-
-Down the hill, and over a bridge, the woodland thick an verdant, she finally slowed to a more lady-like walk, patting the heated mount with a slim, gloved hand. Dressed in a grey riding dress, belted and trimmed with ornate grey and burgundy ribbon, and slashed sleeves showing an under-fabric of burgundy silk, she looked the part of a Lady. A little under-dressed to meet royalty, perhaps, but she was not here to put on airs.-
::They weren't in a hurry. They had been gone almost a week now, and a few more hours were not going to make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. Besides the ride was a nice change to have a little alone time for themselves.
Lucky his glamor seemed to work. It would have made riding through the village much difficult. As it was people were coming out and lining the streets to see them. He moved his mount closer to Blythes, and leaved over.::Kinda freaking me out. Its like they havent seen stangers ever before.
-She gave a small snort of laughter, which ruined the lady like image completely. He was watching the populace with a bit of concern on his handsome face, and that alone was precious. It seemed all in all, very peaceful here, sort of sleepy, perhaps..she had been told they did not get many visitors, but she patted his hand reassuringly. He had not spent a ton of time with humans until the last year. At least, not awake humans. And they sort of freaked him out still.-
If I were a maiden in some remote village, and someone as handsome as you rode through, I'd come out of my hut and sigh wistfully at you, too. It's only human nature to stare at something so attractive. So the only one to blame here is you.
-She gave a cheeky wink and a giggle, knowing full well he would growl or snarl and threaten to spank her for her insolence. As Duke, and as his Duchess, he outranked her, that was simply the way of things. However, she never let that stand in the way of a good bit of teasing.-.....After all, -You- are likely the only[/u]Oh gods, she wasn't sure she could get it out..she was laughing already..- The only one here...with a street are famous..[/color][/b] [/u]
The heat of the forge was washing the surrounding area of the square with wave after wave of heat, his foot pumping the bellows to fan the flames in a dangerous fashion, the events of the night prior still fresh in his mind...He would show her...He would make her understand, by force if it was necessary...And the way things were going, he would very likely need to resort to extremes. She had dared to have him removed from the very home that he had not but a week before paid his rent for the full month...She dared disreguard his words and actions and twist them perversely to keep their true meaning hidden from her eyes and ears. He was melting the remaining silver left in the crate she had provided for the forging of her own weapon...It was quite enough for his own needs right now, and maybe a little moreso...But he would put it to good use...If she was to have a weapon that could cause him such pain, and right now with the mood she was in she was likely to try and use it, then he would have the very same. As the silver was being reduced to its more liquid form he took up his sword...That family heirloom that had fought countless battles...The rather large but strong and ancient blade glinting in the light of the flames as he pushed it into the coals. He was not making an entirely new weapon...No, he was improving upon his own....And he prayed that Mother Luna would forgive him for cursing it with such a substance as he was about to do.
=He growled low and gave her a dark look at her statement. The fact that she had gone and named that damned street after him anyways, was still a sore spot between them. He gave her a look that said she was asking to another spanking. The only problem was it was likely that was exactly what she was looking for.
Snorting softly he ignored the stares an instead paid attention to where they were going, and thought about just how this was likely to go. He was getting a bad feeling about this. And was going to be supremely annoyed if they came all this way for nothing.=
Her eyes drifted to the trail, a sound she had not heard for a while befell her ears. Raising an eyebrow she watched against the distance from whence she could see. She shifted to the side, leaning against a small Street sign she continued to watch the people that drew near. Clasping her hands together she squared her shoulders and put on the most polite of smiles.
Seeing them approach she noted their outfits, sucking in a small breath, she never did well with Royalty. biting the corner of her mouth she looked over her shoulder to the square. Where was Tathar?! That damned fool..
-Score one for the Duchess, she was not above gloating a tiny bit, for even though she adored her husband, they were both fiercely competitive. And she had been vying for the advantage since she was a five year old child in the far icy tundra of home. Her old home, anyways. It certainly was not that now..-
-She sat up with the posture of a born rider, the sidesaddle made for her, and embellished on the sides and silver stirrups, with the crest of the axe in hand, and the owl. Her coat of arms, and his, joined[b].-Now Bjornskriker, no need to look put know...Bjornskriker..that would make a nice street name as well...[/b][/u]
-Pondering that, she glanced around, smiling brightly to a few members of the populace. Not far to the castle, and from there, the meeting....she caught a swift look from a dark haired lass, and waved a bit.-[/color]
::He grunted as her laughter rang clearly over the quiet little village. Sharp mind, sharp wit, and sharper tongue. He couldn't even be mad, it was one of the things he adored about her best.::See now, Bjornskriker, I could live with. Its a strong name. Means something. Duke of Aeren street, its not a name, its thing, a title. Its.. its... Bah.. ::He growled darkly at her as she only laughed harder. His mount feeling his tension danced side ways a little, and e had to loosen his grip on the reigns, speak to it in that soothing tone that was usually reserved to lulling humans into trusting him. It worked much the same for horses. The black beast, that he had named Devil, simply because of its attitude snorted much as he might when annoyed, stamped his feet, and then settled under him.
He looked up to the woman his wife waved to. His eyes a deep sapphire blue as he gave stared at her intently. Looking human, and being human were two very different things.::
She nodded to the miss, her orbs overlooking her and the one she traveled with. A pleasant smile displayed on her lips. Visiting nobles. Interesting. Her mind swarmed over what they could be bringing. She dipped her head again to the left against the glare of the sun and focus a little. What were they wishin'? Were they here to see the Queen. chewing her lip lightly she turned from them for a moment to look down the trail. Then back to them. Her hair trickled down in spirals over her shoulders and back. Her voice was strong but warm.
" Welcome to Tranquility, is there anything I may help you with? "
She quickly wiped her hands on a rag that she dutifully carried about with her, the dust of this mornings chores not completely disappearing, but diminishing enough to suit the task. Then quickly, she hurried through the castle towards the front door, the word that visitors were even now heading onward. She doubted they'd make it to the castle quickly but it was always better safe then sorry. certainly does mean something. And it was the strongest name I, at age five could think of..[/u]
-She smiled softly then, lost in a memory that must have pleased her, to judge by her wistful little sigh..she snapped out of it as Devil..she had wanted to name the horse Brick, in celebration of it's level of hard-headedness....decided to be a bit of a hassle. James however, had no issue with horses. Or dogs, or cats, or birds, or just about anything with a brain. He talked, they listened, he coaxed, they did what he desired. He had a -way- about him. She was no less affected than Devil was..and it was with reluctance that she tore her gaze from the Duke, and looked to the lass speaking to them. She smiled softly, and answered her, in the Nordic accent of her youth.-
Good morrow lass..we come on errand from the Duchy of Aeren, upon the request of her Imperial Majesty, the Lady Adara McCloud, as ambassadors to your Queen and lands. Might you direct us to yon palace?[/color][/b][/u]
She nodded listening to the woman. Her lips spread into a further smile ... God how she hated to pretend being human. But nonetheless, she knew the laws. Leaning to the right foot for support she gestured through the square to where one could see the Castles' Entrance.
" That way mi'lady, through the village and to where the might Castle stands."
Lifting her hands from their clasped position she spread them wide.
" Feel free to browse our fine village..We are glad to see you have come. "
The silver quite molten enough for his needs he removed the stone bowl from the flames with a pair of large tongs, carefully pouring its contents into the much thinner mold than he had used for Pandora's own piece. It did not need to be very wide...but it had to be long, and this particular mold was used to make long and thin rapiers. Of course, he would have to make the metal a little longer, but it would suffice nicely. As he set this aside to cool he turned his attention to the rather old weapon in the coals still, eyes running over it's length, as well as the familiar and primitive runes that spoke his family's history along it's body, running parallel with the crude blood groove just near the spine. Mayhap what he was doing was excessive, and it was a travesty to taint such a weapon in such a manner, but emotions werre strong things, especially for his kind, and at times they could drive one to measures that were otherwise unthought of, and occasionally, even drive some to madness. He feared that he was treading the very thin line between the two...but it was far too late now to turn back. He had crossed the threshold of no return as soon as he'd set the silver to heat.
::He had a little smirk on his lips. As was the usual way he let Blythe do the talking. She was by far the more diplomatic of the two of them. He much preferred to listen, to watch. And in this case to feel. The woman was not human. A slight cast of his mind toward her told him that. She may, depending on just what her race was feel it. He was to far away to catch a scent. The mind itself nothing familiar. Not Elven, not Fae thank gods for that. He didn't say a word, barely even gave the courtesy of a nod. Let her think it was royal snobbery. He really didn't care. This place was making the hairs on his neck rise.
He gave Blythe a motion with his chin. They should be moving. He had no desire to spend the night here. That and they had Robbie to think of.=
-He was right, they were not on the most forgiving of time-tables here. Breastfeeding infants did not take kindly to being asked to wait for their rations, royal or peasant, a baby knew hunger, and it knew mother as the solution to it. She had about three hours, as best she could figure.-Thank you miss, for the welcome. Merry day to you[/b]..-And nodding with a regal little incline of her head, the wife of the Duke, bid the lass farewell, the two nobles heading for the castle gates. An envoy had been sent the week prior , so they were expected. She only hoped they would be prepared and awaiting them in the castle.- [/color]
He capped the mold and hefted it with the tongs, moving it to the barrel of water that he kept near the anvil at the wall. This he submerged, listening to the loud and shrill hiss that issued forth, steam erupting from it as the metal within was forced to cool much more quickly than letting it sit in the open air would allow. He turned his attention once more to the sword in the coals, watching as the blade began to take a reddening along it's length. He did hope that it would meld well enough with the silver, planning on capping the edge with the stuff and making it into a weapon capable of causing both vampires as well as his own kin agonizing pain and damage that was slow to heal, and the thought made him raise his hand to his chest, touching the spot of his shirt that concealed the thin scar that Pandora had left there. His gaze snapped to the side, then, and out of the open windows that allowed air circulation to take place so that the shop would not reach dangerous temperatures, watching as a few of the villagers were looking and pointing, overhearing something about visitors to the realm on horseback. He began to wonder what their visit was about, but could not, as of yet, pull himself away from his work.
As the visitors approached toward the castle one of the guards was alerted to the gathering and staring of the villagers, stepping from his post and foreward to see what the disturbance was all about, only to be greeted by the sight of two people, a man and a woman, riding on horseback and steadily approaching toward him. He would step foreward a few more paces and wait until they were close enough before raising a hand to them, speaking loudly "Hello, and welcome to the realm of Tranquility. May I ask that you state your business?"
::Now just because he expected to be stopped, didn't mean he had to like it. It was just something that went against his grain. A man long used to getting what he wanted, denied very little. His face was a mask of calm. Blue eyes slightly narrowed and looking down at the guard.:: Our Business is with Your Queen. you may tell her the Duke and Duchess of Aeren are here, as per the envoy we sent last week. =Making himself relax, he settled back in his saddle, the leather creaking as he stared at the guard waiting for him to step aside.::
-She settled back in the side saddle, letting her Duke handle the guards. Her eyes, golden as dark honey, gazed up over the small palace, looking for hints to it's most important inhabitant. She glanced back to the guard, smiling faintly in a not unfriendly way, but she was certainly not here for small talk. They had sent an envoy, they were expected, now, to see how smoothly it was handled would offer a slew of information about this small place.-
He removed the mold from the water, finding it quite cool enough now, and flipped the cap off of it, turning it over to release the long silver bar onto the surface of the anvil. Setting the rest of the things aside he picked up his hammer and tongs, gripping the end of the bar with them before starting his long and echoing strikes to flatten it out, sweat dripping from his brow as he did so. Hammer, flip, hammer, turn...He would repeat this process over and over until he was satisfied with the length and thickness of the silver sheet, his attention now away from the windows as well as the goings on outside and fully on his work at hand.
The guard looked them both over for a moment. He remembered the rather loud and strange man who had come to call upon the Queen the week prior, and to be honest it was a spectacle that he would not soon forget. He had honestly thought the man to be a jester of some sort, for the way he talked, as well as the way he had acted, was quite comical, but his words however humorous were of business, so he had no choice but to believe them and stepped aside, waving them on toward the castle, calling to them as they passed "I am afraid that the Queen is in a meeting at the moment. A servant will show you where to stow your horses as well as where you may wait until she is available. Please, enjoy your stay." He decided not to ask for their weapons, as since they were envoys from another realm and kingdom they were to be showed that much trust and respect, but they would nevertheless be watched closely, just in case.
::He did his best not to growl. It wasn't the guards fault that the woman, Queen he corrected was in a meeting. He had made a promise to 'attempt' to he polite. He would keep it. The rain had delayed there expected arrival date by nearly two days, but that was hardly the point. He wanted this done and over with.
He nodded as the guard stepped aside and a servant waved them on. He supposed they were to follow. Little choice did they have. He gave Blythe a look, one that didn't need words. 'Im getting cranky..and this had better not take long'.